National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

In the wake of Green Revolution triggered by the development of the High Yielding Varieties & Hybrids in important food crops together with the start of Seed Programme in India during sixties and the establishment of Seed Technology Division at IARI in 1970, the Indian Society of Seed Technology (ISST) was formed, with the primary objective to serve as a forum for the Seed Scientists and Technologists of the country to share their experiences and disseminate the knowledge relating to seed production, certification, testing, processing, storage and marketing of the seed. The Society was formally inaugurated on 21st April, 1971 by late Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, the then Union Minister of Agriculture, Govt. of India. In fact, the establishment of the ISST was the brain child of Ch. Amir Singh, the then Head, Division of Seed Technology, Dr. S.K. Banerjee, the then Seed Testing Officer; late Shri J.E. Douglas of the Rockefeller Foundation; Drs. YR. Mehta, N.S. Gill, M.S. Joshi and V. Shankaran of the National Seeds Corporation, who were instrumental for the preparation of the Memorandum and the Constitution of the Society and served as Core Committee for the registration of the Society. The Society was registered with the Registrar of Societies Delhi vide Registration No. 4888 on 14 April 1971. During the past 44 years or so, the Society has grown up to a respectable level and has got the strength of over 1000 members engaged in Seed Technology research at the IARI, and in various part of the country viz. State Agricultural Universities, Public and Private Sectors, Seed Industry and other organizations. Over seventy five seed technologists from overseas are also the members of the Society. The office of the Society is managed by the elected body - the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The list of the Executive Council of the Society is being published regularly in SEED RESEARCH. Though enough care has been taken in consolidating the information given in this webpage, however, if any, error or omission is existing, the members are requested to kindly bring it to the knowledge of Secretary, ISST. The suggestions are welcomed from the members, for improvement of the Society.
H.S. Gupta
Shiv. K. Yadav
Copyright © 2018, Indian Society of Seed Technology